Data Services ...

MDS Technologies provides  mass data collection services using unique mobile data acquisition technology to government, utilities, and private sector organizations in need of accurately geo-referenced data. 




Vehicle Based Surveys

MDST mass collects data related to transportation networks and GIS applications through specially equipped vehicles.  Our vehicles utilize high resolution digital cameras, GPS and/or Inertial Navigation technology, other related techology and on-board processing software to combine the data from these systems into an integrated solution.  Surveys conducted using our vehicles provide our clients with the ability to capture data on a wide range of right of way assets and accurately geo-locate these assets.  Data resulting from these surveys, including high resolution digital images, have a wide range of uses:

  • asset inventory and condition assessment;
  • compliance with GASB Statement 34;
  • Geographic Information Systems;
  • transportation planning;
  • emergency services; and,
  • property appraisal/assessment.

Ground Based Surveys

MDST also conducts ground based surveys to supplement or replace vehicle based surveys when the objectives of the project indicate that it is appropriate to do so.  We developed a variety of tools to collect highly accurate geomatic data quickly and cost effectively under a wide range of conditions.  These surveys typical include back pack mounted GPS receivers integrated with other data collection tools to streamline the data collection process.   MDST monitors the constantly evolving technology in this area and utilizes appropriate tools to maximize field productivity and data quality.